Boy do I need to catch up! So I've been out of the loop for a while. I may not be in the loop yet. I've just been too busy in the outside world to write. But I want to write. So yes I know-- that means taking the time to do it. I'm working on that, I promise. For now I just want to stay in touch with those nice writers who were kind enough to befriend a newbie. I say thank you and please have patience with this would be writer.
Kamie Myles
We're all in this together! Finding time to not only write when you have a whole other life is one thing, but being in enough of a creative frame of mind with everything else going on to produce something decent, is another! It's just plain hard work. Don't beat yourself up too much! Be happy even if you only write 10 words! I have to be happy with that sometimes.